Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Story of My Love: My Parrot

My parrot might not be very attractive. He has grown old and has developed a habit of plucking his feathers (which by the way is very annoying anyways). But no doubt he is the sweetest thing on this earth. I have never seen an animal so much sensible as he is.

I was very little when I got him. He was such a sweet little thing with almost no  feathers. I was in 6th grade when I got him and now I have completed my Bachelors Degree and have become a Computer Engineer (Awesome it is, isn't it?). It's been more than twelve years since he is with us. And now everyone in my home has developed a strong bond with him. He eats with us, sits with us, plays with us, even sleeps with us. 

His bond with me is the strongest. He never lets me get out of his sight even for an instance. He sleeps in the same room as mine and first thing in the morning for him is to greet me. If I am sleeping, he sits by my pillow until I have gotten up. Then he just climbs over my shoulder and sits there for the rest of the day. This makes difficult for me to even go to the bathroom (lol). Since I am at home now a days, this has made his life a heaven as he doesn't have to leave me even for a moment. He doesn't care if anyone else is having a meal but as soon as I start eating something, he gets super hungry and starts rushing to whatever I am eating. Then, at night, it is most difficult for me to send him to his sleep since he is glued with me lol. When he gets sleepy, I turn off the light and take him to his sleeping place. In this way he doesn't get the idea where he is going :p And in this manner, his another day of life passes. 

Usually parrots are Frugivores, meaning they eat fruits and seeds etc. But my parrot has appetite just like humans. He eats everything, yes everything. He likes fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken, dairy products, sweets, chocolates, desserts, and even bone marrows :o He loves eating sugar. He eats it in the morning as soon as he wakes up and eats before going to sleep at night. Many people say he has developed feather plucking habit due to eating sugar but this is one thing I can't take away from him. 

He is very friendly. He never bites. He greets everyone who comes into the house. When I used to come back to home from College or Work, he used to know that it was me even before I entered the house. He likes new people and also remembers them for the next time. He remembers some of my aunts very well whom he likes and very warmly greets them whenever they come to our house. Usually he is attracted to females, I have never seen him greeting any of the male guests lol. 

He is not very talkative. He knows a few words and repeats them when he is in mood. As long as I am with him, he just sits with me pruning his feathers. But at the moment I get out of his sight, he starts shouting which by the way is very annoying -_- That is why I have to keep him with me for all the time. Everyone in my house loves him. I wonder what will happen when he will leave us :(

So in a nutshell, I love my parrot and it is difficult for me to imagine my life without him. If you have any story about your pet, kindly share with me in the comments below :)